Who should see a naturopathic doctor?

Who should see a naturopathic doctor?

Are you seeking to prevent health issues? Find an alternative approach to a complex condition? Better manage common ailments? Wherever you are on your health journey, a naturopathic doctor can help! Naturopathic medicine prioritizes prevention.  Even if you are...
Reconnect with Your Body!

Reconnect with Your Body!

In our technological age, mental activity dominates our days.  Physical activity often feels like a challenging chore to squeeze into our packed schedules.  This imbalance between mental and physical has only grown in the last year with our shift to virtual...

Underrated Veggies

Some vegetables get all the glory.  How many times have you heard of the benefits of the superfood champions like kale and avocado?  Then there are the exotic plants like moringa, turmeric, or acai berry–we’re not quite sure what they are, but we’ve...
What is naturopathic medicine?

What is naturopathic medicine?

I get this question a lot! In our current healthcare culture most people have never heard of a naturopathic doctor.  Even fewer have had the opportunity to work with one. My goal as a naturopathic doctor is to change that.  Not because naturopathic medicine...
Last but not least…

Last but not least…

Thanks for tuning in to this week’s posts about the what, why, how, and who of goal setting! I hope you found the suggestions encouraging and doable.  Writing the content definitely made me take a second look at my own goal-setting strategies (it’s one thing to...